Sewing Challenge Update--The Home Stretch!

If you've been following our sewing challenge, it has been an exciting year of "saying NO to ready-to-wear!" I hope, like Natalea and I, you've been encouraged by your "me-made" experiences over the past 11 months.

The year has been a busy one for me! In addition to my sewing adventures, my first book was published this past summer, I returned to full time work outside the home, and my travel increased a great deal.

My personal favorites on the sewing journey were learning to sew denim and knits.  I completed two pairs of jeans during the year. A special shout out to Lynn and Lisa for their jean tutorials. We also have links on our resources page. I also purchased Angela Wolf's Craftsy class on making jeans. I'm looking forward to using many of the techniques from it as well. I am quickly falling in love with knits, too! I don't think I would have ever tackled them if the challenge weren't in place.... I've been encouraged by your projects and the tips you've all shared.

As we begin a new season of "the challenge" beginning April 1, 2014, we now want to hear from you regarding your experiences:
  • What did you learn about yourself and your sewing prowess?
  • What projects or skills challenged you the most this past year?
  • Will you continue to "sew your own?" Are there any specific sewing goals you have for the upcoming year?
  • Are there any elements you would like to see added to the challenge?

Thank you again for joining us this year.  It has been a great blessing to hear from you and to walk the journey with you!  Blessings and love, Vita


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